Generator campaign “Electricity for Ukraine”

Russian bombs, missiles and drones have been targeting Ukrainian infrastructure for months and have now destroyed over 70 percent of energy supply facilities. Entire regions are meanwhile cut off from the power grid, while in other regions people can only access electricity on an hourly basis. Where there is no electricity, it is cold, there is no cooking, no water pumps, no refrigerators and no cell phones. As a result, the suffering of the population has already become extremely acute at the beginning of the third winter of war.
This is where “Mission Siret” provides targeted help - with small mobile generators that are financed by donations and delivered directly to affected people in eastern Ukraine by our audited partner organizations. The gasoline-powered generators are relatively easy to transport and, depending on their output, are intended for various uses in private households. While the generators with an output of 2.7 kW are suitable for connecting normal electrical appliances, the 5.4 kW generators can also be used to power electric stoves, for example.
Mission Siret has already been able to deliver different kinds of these generators in recent months. However, in view of the dramatic situation on the ground, we are currently receiving more and more requests for mobile generators. We are grateful for generous donations so that our volunteers can bring these to Ukraine.
Bank details for monetary donations (deductible according to §10 EStG)
Westfälische Genossenschaft des Johanniterordens
IBAN: DE52 4944 0043 0320 0060 02
Purpose: "Siret - Generators"
For donations of 300€ or more, an address is required for issuing a donation receipt.
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“Electricity for Ukraine” - Donate now!
- 2.7 kW Generator - 250€ per piece
- 5.4 kW Generator - 500€ per piece