Monetary Donations
Monetary donations are an important part of our work. To save on transportation costs, we buy many food and hygiene products directly from a Romanian wholesale market and then deliver these to Ukraine. This enables us to respond quickly to the needs of the facilities we regularly visit. Donations also help us to pay our transportation bills and the running costs of the mission.

Bank details for monetary donations (deductible according to §10 EStG)
Westfälische Genossenschaft des Johanniterordens
IBAN: DE52 4944 0043 0320 0060 02
Purpose: "Siret"
For donations of 300€ or more, an address is required for issuing a donation receipt.

We are happy to provide donors with specific sponsorship projects in Ukraine. For a predetermined donation amount, for example, a refugee home or an orphanage can be reliably supported for a certain period of time. We will be happy to answer any questions in an individual conversation.